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Voatsiperifery Pepper – A Treasure from the Mysteries of Distant Madagascar

Madagascar! This vast island is home to generous and rich ecosystems, as well as a cradle for rare wild peppers that until recently were almost unknown but have now become highly coveted on the shelves of top chefs – Voatsiperifery peppers. These peppers grow only in wild conditions, surrounded by pure nature. However, harvesting them is as challenging as it is rewarding.

Madagascar, an island off the coast of Mozambique (with a length similar to the distance between Amsterdam and Madrid), is a haven for rich and diverse ecosystems. In its tropical climate, known as the “Red Island,” a vast array of agriculture thrives – from vegetables and exotic fruits to various spices like cloves, pink peppercorns, lemongrass, and peppers, not to mention the exquisite Bourbon vanilla! These flavors and aromas come together in traditional Malagasy dishes like romazava. However, the island is also home to the rare wild Voatsiperifery peppers.

A Well-kept Secret

Discovering the elusive Voatsiperifery pepper is a well-kept secret. To find these mysterious peppers, one must leave the bustling capital of Madagascar, Antananarivo, and venture into the heart of the primary forest. Voatsiperifery peppers thrive only in the wild, surrounded by pristine nature. After hours of navigating rugged forest roads and dusty paths, followed by trekking several kilometers on steep trails, crossing rice fields here and there, you’ll stumble upon small villages of pepper gatherers at the forest’s edge.

Voatsiperifery Peppers – The Giants of the Highlands

In Malagasy, Voatsiperifery means “fruit of the vine.” These wild peppers thrive in the shade provided by tall trees and grow exclusively in the forest… more precisely, on the treetops.

This plant is a vine-like creeper that climbs upwards around the tree trunk and blooms on the crown of trees. In dense forests, amidst lianas and shrubs, spotting Voatsiperifery pepper vines is extremely difficult, and local gatherers often carefully guard the secret of these pepper vines’ locations.

Peppers Reaching for the Sky

Voatsiperifery peppers are harvested by hand only from October to December when the seeds turn red. This celestial pepper collection is a highly responsible task, requiring pickers to often climb up to 30-meter-tall tree canopies, relying solely on their skills and experience. Voatsiperifery vines and their host trees are never cut down, preserving the forest and safeguarding this traditional craft.

Voatsiperifery peppers harvesting

Strict and Meticulous Selection

The gathered Voatsiperifery peppers are sun-dried for 2-3 days after being brought back to villages, ensuring optimal conditions before transportation to collection points. To obtain 1 kg of dried peppers, approximately 5 kg of fresh peppers are needed. Following this, the peppers undergo the final processing stage where they are dried in the sun’s heat until the grains are fully dried, and then meticulously sorted by hand to remove any remaining stems and husks.

Voatsiperifery pepper belongs to the Piper borbonense species (originating from the Bourbon Islands – currently the French overseas territory of Reunion). It is stronger and sharper than Piper nigrum species peppers. Due to its sharp, long-lasting fresh flavor and aromatic notes of flowers, wood, and citrus fruits, Voatsiperifery pepper is known for its truly unique and exceptional taste.

While local residents enjoy fresh pepper grains (usually crushed with garlic and ginger to make spicy paste used in various sauces), dried Voatsiperifery pepper has conquered the hearts of people around the world!

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